Sunday, March 9, 2008

First deadline


I got to the office before nine and I left at 4:15 that would in the am. I left my desk once to go to the bathroom and never saw sunlight. I didnt eat anything and drank one bottle of water. I have never wanted to kill so much in my life. Working with this guy is just so awfu. I saw his timecard and every day but Saturday he punches in around nine in the morning and leaves between ten or eleven at night except Friday he leaves early for temple. What he does is beyond me. He had no stories written yesterday and today he tried pawn on his on an intern. I said no the intern needed to get me a front page story. The guy does police beats and picks two high schools a week where he writes the same story over and over and ends each with the coach saying he loves the coverage. I hate that type of sports writing and get this next week is writing about Euclid which is no where near our coverage area. Heaven forbid he cover a sport like wrestling or swimming with a local team. Well he says in his slow lisp you cant go back to advertiser and say we are doing Olmsted Falls, they will say you did Olmsted Falls last week. THATS THE POINT!!!!!!! We cover local and get them to buy more ads. The woman spent from two to five in the afternoon making calls to sell ads for this issue to cover Southview Listening to her I can't believe she ever sells an ad. Around six I got really mad at the hopelessness of it as I had still three or four blank pages. I started yesterday and they are getting on my case that I am not magically producing a paper. I keep insisting on a key. Finally just before 10 he leaves so he can take a bus to the east side but before he is staring at me like its my fault. He says well maybe you should have stayed longer yesterday. Unreal? I worked nine hours on my first day with no lunch and no break and today I work 19 (14 at that point)with no lunch no dinner and this guy who turned in his last story at nine on Tuesday is questioning me.

They had no pdfs of ads on the computer. I had to call the woman who used to layout the paper from home. She was at work so she cut out the ads from pdf of pages and sent them to me as jpegs which I had to convert to tifs. They did not look well. For other ads they photocopied them and tried to make those jpegs. Unreal.

What a joke? Here is the punch line I had the paper done around one but had to send the pdfs.
I sent the last one before two but one would not send I noticed it was much larger and our dial-up and email could not handle it. So I swapped an ad on that page to another and still it didn't work
So I sent just the ad on the page and the page without the ad hoping they can merge it but I don't now if it works that way. I bet the printer calls me in the morninga nd wakes me up but I know the woman will call and whine and whine about something.

How hard can it be to hard to work with two people?
How can my enthusiasm be gone in just two days?

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