Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A happy ending?


So the woman kept calling me and pushing back our meeting. She had doctor visits. It makes me feel bad to feel so much venom about an elderly sick woman. It puts things in perspective and adds another reason to get out. It is not healthy to think mean thoughts about someone's grandma.

While I waited- I went to craigslist and responded to an ad by WKYC Channel 3. They are starting a website about bars and restaurants. I got a call back less than ten minutes after I emailed my resume and clips. They want me to come in Monday at 6pm for an informational meeting. I told the guy you want me to come in on St. Patrick's Day. Shouldn't I be out at bars gathering information for you?

Anyway the start is simple. They will give me 25 assignments. I call said assignment- and ask a checklist of the owner or manager. I type up list and get $10 a pop. I need to do 25 a week. If I can do them in 3 days then they will send them faster. If I do well-- down the road I could get bigger assignments. Sounds like easy money. So you figure ten minutes on the phone, ten minutes to type. So for slightly more than four hours work a week- I can make $250 or just $100 less than I was making for 50 hours a week. Even I can do that math.

I went into the office at 4:30. I was humble and precise. I told her I bite off more than I could chew. I was writer not a graphic designer and that this was not working. She asked when I felt that I said Friday after we talked on the phone. She insisted on knowing what she said. I told her she said the paper was worse with me than before. She denied saying that and I believe her that she believes she didn't say. She apologized and said all of these nice things. I apologized to the guy for losing my temper a few times and he said it was understandable under the circumstances. But I said still not acceptable which is why I had to leave. She asked me to kept writing and I agreed to write one school class of the week feature and one other. She asked that my dad still write his Out to Lunch feature. I said sure and I will as long as she pays me what she owes me. She asked what I get for a story normally I said you can't afford it but that she could pay me what she could afford between $10 and $20 for the size of the article. I don't mind working for less- if I can crank them out.

I just don't believe they will get a paper out. But maybe they will. When I left the office I knew my mother had said another pray. That went way too well and way too smooth.

But I knew I had done the right thing. That doesn't happen often.

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