Sunday, March 9, 2008

Unnoticed Mircale


Some time after ten last night, I figured I should try to sleep. I did but my dreams or voices kept telling me to wake up. I went back to the office at 5 am. I called my dad at 8 to help proof. The guy showed up at 9:30 or so. Seeing our deadline was 9:30- I wondered how he thought the paper would get out. Minutes later the woman called and I grabbed the phone before he could. She was like how is it going. I was like the power went out at 6:30pm yesterday and I got here at 5am to finish the paper. And she started rambling and I interrupted her and said this is where you should thank me for that. She kept calling about whether it would get done in time and no matter how much I said I had it handled.

I wonder if they just thought at nine, fairies came and magically sprinkled the paper together. The last edited page arrived in at the printer via the internet at 10:40am, an hour and ten minutes past deadline but 20 minutes before the drop dead there will be not printing of the paper deadline.

As I walked out of the office at 11 a.m., the guy says, "Are you leaving for the day?"

I just snorted and went home.

For the record here is what I did.
Before me-- almost nothing but press releases and internet advice columns-- they would even take national stories off the internet-- the few bylines would be the guy's awful sports features which were almost all stats and never a quote from a player-- a local woman would "write" for free but the majority of her stories were press releases she would put her name on-- i thought this was true but then she sent me one unchanged that i had already used-- and one good story a week from this young girl

this week i had ten bylines
i had my dad and uncle start an out to lunch feature where they eat at local places
i started a class of the week feature
i started a school page
with plans to start a local store feature and a meet your neighbor feature
i wrote the first wrestling and gymanstics stories ever
i myself wrote about over 20 teams
and i did all and layout and edit the paper
while the guy spent two days writing one story
two cutlines and compile the police blog
oh and while he did that i wrote about drug bust
and the firefighter walk out in bay

ad then i started at five in the morning
finished it without them
and they question if i am leaving for the day

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